Frequently Asked Questions

How do I delete a job?

Deleting a job is simple. Head to the Jobs tab, go onto the desired job. At the top there is a button that says close job. Press that, hit continue and the job is gone. Note that any contracts open relating to that job will stay active.

How do I create a job?

We have full guides on the whole process, please look under the guided tab

What if I want to cancel the contract with an influencer?

To protect both influencers and brands if a contract is to be cancelled please contact us with the job title and the influencer name. Then once we have confirmation from both parties we can cancel the contract.

How do I delete my account?

Simply email us saying that you would like to cancel your account

The pay button keeps on loading, what do I do?

This means that the Influencer hasn't fully set up their payment details. Either contact us or message the Influencer letting them know that you can't process the payment due to lack of details.

What if a company doesn't pay?

When a company accepts a contract with you they also accept a contract with us, allowing us to invoice them for the funds they owe.

How do I accept a Job?

We have complete guides on the process, please visit the guides tab for more information

How do I delete my account?

Simply email us saying that you would like to cancel your account